Sep 8, 2020

Staying calm in turbulent times – A superpower one should possess!

Being calm like a lake is a Superpower one should possess. Oh yeah! I can relate this “Power of being calm”- to the superpower shield of Marvel’s Captain America! Being calm is the best invisible shield one can possess in order to cease our everyday worries, stress, and struggles, or even agitation due to over excitement. All these have a strong influence on our emotional balance and thus impact our emotional health.

It is human tendency to react too quickly during a turbulent or a tough situation. What is actually going on when we react? Or why isn’t there control over our emotional reactions? This is apparently because the world moves faster every day and we are working too hard to match its speed. Over involvement in work, frustration due to the negligence of personal life, lack of equilibrium between what we wanted to do & what we end up doing, more focus on earning more money or fame and what not! – All these push us into living a toxically busy life, spinning much too fast than our nominal capacity. We do not have the power to calm down the whole situation causing turbulence, but what can be done is to calm ourselves while the situation will settle by itself. 
On the other hand, whenever we are overexcited or become ecstatic, it often becomes very difficult to control our emotions and there can be too much on our mind which leads to an overwhelming condition. Even though we need to let out of our emotions (both positive & negative) during these good or bad times, we need to have a check before getting off balance. Eventually, the swirling emotion makes us lead an unhappy, unsatisfied life.

Serenity is not freedom from the storm, but peace amid the storm” - Unknown author

It is, for this reason, we need to take a break from life’s race! We need to be calm and live a serene life whenever possible. Being calm doesn’t mean being without emotions. It is being able to control our emotions and balance it properly towards the well being of the most important person in your life – You!

Why should we be like a lake? – Here are 4 interesting analogies...

1. Lakes are meant to possess a calm, serene look, due to its still surface. But this superficial calmness doesn’t mean it is powerless. The calmer surfaces of lakes hide greater depths of aqua life within which nobody can judge by just looking. When we are calm, it doesn’t mean that we are powerless or submissive to react to situations, but it does mean we have a greater power of controlling self with a deep sense of kindness, greater knowledge to judge and respond to situations.

     “Make your heart like a lake with calm, still surface and great depth of kindness”- Lao Tzu

 2. Lakes are known for their clarity, surface ripples, unknown depths, and vibrant life around the shores and in a nutshell, lakes are full of Life! Likewise, we should possess a crystal clear mind; create positive vibes & ripples surrounding us; infinitely deeper sense of knowledge to be wise; shore up true friendship & good people around you; be kind enough to help others & be a source of their smile to live life to the fullest. 

3. Turbulent waters cannot reflect, it is the still waters of lake that reflect the beauty around it. Only when our mind is still, the beauty of true self & also our surroundings are seen reflected on it. Lakes reflect the vastness of the infinite sky and this explains that the acquired knowledge, howsoever vast it may be, should be reflected in our humble actions.

“We cannot see our reflection in running water. It is only in still water that we can see.” – Zen saying

 4. Lakes are filled with natural magic potion otherwise known as the Water! While water has the super power to be soothing and to sustain life forms, it can also be terrifying and take away lives when turbulent. A lake holds all that raw potential of water intact or still, keeping it from destroying things in its path. And this is much like our brains which hold wild thoughts from wandering away. So Life will be at its best when our potential thoughts & actions are deep and calm like a lake.

“If the lake sees the ocean, it will want big waves! If the ocean sees the lakes, it will want calm days that last for years!” – Mehmet Murat ildan

Quotes reference from :

Art and Article by Swasthi 


  1. Need of the hour Swas.V well expressed.
    About the art,realistic&nature at its best

    1. Yes being calm is the need of the hour. Glad that you liked it. Thanks a lot!

  2. Nice one👌
    Painting & quote reference are Awesome

  3. Never had a clue you drew so well...👌😊

    1. I now have some time for myself to dig out my passion for art. Thanks for the compliment though, Tijo!

  4. Impressive article sis.. Keep writing 👍

    1. Thank you so much! Glad that you liked it.

  5. A calm and composed writing ♥️

  6. An excellent blog, and very sensible advice - not just during stressful COVID times, but for life in general. Great art too! Good job Swasthi!

    1. Thank you so much! Glad you liked it..
